Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Separation of Oil & State

OIL CHANGE INTERNATIONAL "campaigns to expose the true costs of oil and facilitate the coming transition towards clean energy. Oil companies and their employees donated over $25 million to candidates in the US during the 2004 campaign, and they've already invested over $13 million in the 2006 elections. The next step to ending our collective addiction to oil is reducing oil's influence over our representatives and demanding political independence from Big Oil."

"It’s time to ensure that our representatives represent us, not the oil companies." speaks to you if you're tired of big oil running the show. It offers several ways to take action by raising your voice to congress.

Separate Oil & State

Separation of Oil & State is a campaign to get oil money out of politics. It's important that we demand that our representatives stand up for the future of energy, not for the dinosaurs of the oil industry. Type in your zip code an Oil Change International to find out how much oil and gas money your reps are taking and then send an email to them. My senators are representatives are below.

How much oil donation money have your congressional representatives received? Mine are below.

Sen. Bill Nelson- FL
This representative has taken $124,855 from the oil and gas industry since 1990.

In 2006, they received at least $72,700.
In 2004, they received $9,250.
In 2000, they received $11,250.

Sen. Mel Martinez- FL
This representative has taken $138,847 from the oil and gas industry since 1990.

In 2006, they received at least $3,500.
In 2004 they received $135,347. (Wow, that's a lot.)
In 2000, they received $0.

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz FL- 20FL
This representative has taken $4,000 from the oil and gas industry since 1990.

In 2006, they received $0.
In 2004 they received $4,000.
In 2000, they received $0.

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