Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Palestine & Israel: An Ugly Anniversary

Today is the 40th anniversary of the beginning of Israel's Six-Day War, which began the enduring occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. To commemorate, I've begun reading Jimmy Carter's book:
Palestine Peace Not Apartheid.

This weekend, the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation and United for Peace and Justice are sponsoring a two-day event in Washington, DC to protest the occupation with a rally, a teach-in, a march and some lobbying.

If you can't make the day's festivities, you can contact your representatives in congress and tell them how you feel about the occupation, or how you feel about Israel's aggressive policies and the oppression of the Palestinian people, or anything else you feel is important to you. Even if your elected representatives share your views, you can still write them to voice your opinions. You can review their votes on past issues with this handy tool.

The online version of the Israeli paper, Haaretz, has a section devoted to the occupation. It's encouraging to read that there are many Israelis who don't agree with Zionism, and who strive for peace.

To clarify: I'm not antisemitic, or anti-Judaism. I don't believe in the bible as the word of god. I don't believe that Jews, or anyone, have any divine claim to land.


After yesterday's bleh blog about the democratic debate, I considered doing one devoted to the republicans today. But yesterday's words were so uninspired and practically unreadable, I couldn't imagine coming up with anything interesting about the rag tag group of scary old republican fogies running for President. They Bush-bashed, yay; they gay-bashed, boo. Yawn.
I didn't see any leaders on the stage, just finger-pointers, side-steppers and demographic-panderers.

A few of them said they wanted to pardon Dick Cheney's former aide Lewis I. "Scooter" Libby, who was sentenced today to 30 months in prison for lying and obstructing a CIA leak investigation. That's the big news now: Will he get a Pardon? No surprise there.

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