I am: male, white, 5’7”, gay, liberal, pro-choice, anti-war, non-religious, a disgruntled patriot, against capital punishment, kind of a stereotype, from Baltimore, adventurous, fiscally scarce, enjoyable company, understanding, compassionate, suspicious of globalization, struggling against the ego, watching my youth dissolve, struggling with narcissism, humorous occasionally, vulgar sometimes, concerned about the well-being of future generations in spite of having no intentions to produce any, thankful I was born in America, interested in the rest of the world, happy to help, a little lazy, curious about why we do the things we do, interested in knowing how things work, fascinated by technology, resistant to change, allergic to cats...
I have: lived in 6 states, been to (or through) 37 of them, traveled to 8 countries, served in the usmc (was asked, did tell, and was told to leave), a fun sense of humor, a cool family, a belly that never goes away, a boyfriend whom I love and who loves me, long eyelashes, a honda civic, a dusty apartment, allergies to dust, seen a lot of my country...